Audison bit Tune is a suite of electronic and acoustic test instruments used for the automatic calibration of Audison bit processors. This “single-chassis” solution offers a complete tuning process, improving the ease of installation and sound quality of car audio systems.
The heart of this device is the CMU Central Measurement Unit, packaged with two micropho- ne systems, various connections as well as PC based software used to manage and analyse the audio system.
AUTO PROCESSOR SETUP: the automatic calibration function includes the following tools: Auto EQ, Auto Time Alignment, and Level Check. Automatically set: time alignment, equalization curve and output levels of an Audison bit processor connected to the bit Tune. The Processor Auto Setup tool is used with an on-screen wizard, and can be used independently to carry out specific measurements.
SOURCE CHECK: takes electrical measurements of the Pre Out or Hi-Level outputs of the connected source, displaying signal level. Using the spectrum analyser function (Spectrum), the user can graphically assess if the source signal is equalized or not.
RTA - REAL TIME ANALYZER: measures the acoustic response of the audio system, considering the characteristics of the vehicle acoustics. Measurements are taken using the HSM microphone.
POLARITY CHECK: with this tool you can check the electrical phase of the speakers installed in the audio system.
OSCILLOSCOPE: includes the following tools: Voltmeter, Power Meter, Distortion and Spectrum. Thanks to these tools, it is possible to perform electrical measurements of the signal level and distortion of an inputted audio signal as well as the power of amplifiers. The result of the measurements is available in graphic and numeric formats.
GENERATOR: creates sinusoidal signals adjustable in frequency (20Hz-20KHz) and amplitude. A bandwidth limited, adjustable time sweep can also be generated. It also features a generator of Pink and White Noise used to measure acoustic response.
PLAYER: a software tool used for the playback of music formats *.wav, *.Wma, *.mp3, *.flv, *.flac. Capable of handling up to 24bit/192kHz resolution files.
BATTERY SCOPE: implements an oscilloscope in DC, specifically calibrated to measure the vehicles’ battery voltage found during vehicle start-up or audio system demands. This tool can detect immediate voltage drops which a common volt meter can’t detect.
OPTICAL CABLE TEST: checks if signal is present on sources with S/PDIF optical output and provides the ability to analyse the digital bit rate and sampling frequency of the signal; audio can be heard through the built-in speaker of the bit Tune.
CREATE REPORT: automatically creates a report (in PDF format) with information concerning: the technician, the client, the vehicle, obtained measurements and the adjustments made through the Processor Auto Setup.
LOAD SIMULATOR: allows the user to check if the OEM source unit or amplifier requires a load (speaker connected) on the speaker leads to output audio. The check is performed by the bit Tune by applying a resistive or inductive load. Once the check has been performed, a similar load has to be connected to the OEM source outputs, to then connect an amplifier or a processor to the source.
HI-LEVEL ART TEST: checks if the Hi-Level outputs of the OEM source are compatible and capable of working with ART (Automatic Remote Turn On) equipped processors and/or amplifiers.
LINE NOISE ANALYZER: checks if there is audio signal and possible noise disturbances along the analogue or optical digital audio line. The check is confirmed by listening to the signal on the built-in speaker of the bit Tune.
ELECTROMAGNETIC SNIFFER TEST: with the EMS probe placed on or near electrical parts or wiring of the vehicle, you can acoustically identify the source of electromagnetic (radiated noise) disturbance using the built-in speaker of the bit Tune.